Well, despite the good news about my bone marrow, I still am dealing with having it newly “rebooted.” So with all the cell counts declining it was only a matter of time before I would need some medical intervention.
I was admitted back into the hospital Sunday night. Virginia actually had to call a few times (the first time we were told to take a couple of Tylenol and see them in the morning). Finally, after my temperature had reached above 103 they started to move things along, transferring a non-cancer patient to another part of the hospital, so I could have his room. I’ve since moved two more times and am back in the room that I was originally in when I first started all of this back in March (nothing like coming full circle for the last stay).
My fevers which have been pretty persistent, and in some cases quite high (so far 104.9 is the highest) are due largely in part to a bacterial infection by a strain called Gemella morbillorum. Of course the infectious disease doctors have tailored the antibiotics, but since I still have been getting fevers (although fewer and less severe) they are wondering about other possibilities.
One thing we’ve found out about our stays in the hospital is that there isn’t a whole lot of patience when it comes to seeing if a treatment is working. I’ve already had another echocardiogram to see if the bacteria has seeded in one the valves (which it hasn’t) and an x-ray of my jaw to see if there isn’t a pocket of the buggers hanging out (haven’t heard about those results, yet). Now rumors are spreading about the possibility of removing my hickman line. I’m like, “can’t we just wait a wee bit longer before doing anything rash.” The antibiotics are supposed to do the trick, right? I don’t know, it’s a little frustrating being at the mercy of some of these doctors knowing that within another week or so my white blood cell counts will start to be high enough that this won’t be an issue anymore. But, I’m not a doctor, and acknowledge that I don’t have the same understanding as they do.
In the meantime, I’m happy that I’m starting to feel better (the last couple of days totally wiped me out) and can actually sit up for more than 30 seconds, and grateful that there are blood donors for the platelets and packed red cells that I’ve been receiving nearly every day now since Friday. It’s the little things.