We’re Back

Yes, it has been a looooong time since that last post. Perhaps this will be the start of a new era, one that even includes some posts by Virginia.

Speaking of whom, she has just recently published her first patterns that are now available at Ravelry (something she’s been meaning to do, and hopefully will continue to do beyond this). The first, of course, is a pair of socks.

Catwalk Socks

Catwalk Socks

Pattern details available on Ravelry, or you can purchase by clicking:

The second, is a scarf.

Simone Scarf

Simone Scarf

Pattern details available on Ravelry, or you can purchase by clicking:

Both of these were knit using the gorgeous yarn from Ancient Arts Fibre Crafts—they have a beautiful line of handdyed yarns.

One More Before the End (of the Year, that is)

I feel like I should make some excuse for why I’ve neglected to post anything for the past (what has it been?) two months. Now that the holidays are winding down, I do feel like there’s a little bit more breathing room. When I haven’t been at my day job, I’ve been doing a fair amount of felting, thanks in part for a little mention in the Dec./Jan. issue of Knitting Today!, as well as the aforementioned opportunity at the Walker.

Time to Get Busy

But, that all seems like old news. The flurry of wool and needles and boxes and shipping labels has calmed. The real reason why I wanted to get back to this blog was to share this amazing knitted gift I received from Virginia.

Fair Isle Hat

It’s a hat that even the coldest, most bitter winds of winter cannot penetrate. The Fair Isle pattern is from Japanese designer Toshiyuki Shimada, in the book Northern European Knit Accessories.

Fair Isle Hat

Hidden underneath that warm flap are miles more of cool patterns:

Fair Isle Hat

Did I say miles?

Fair Isle Hat

There are so many different ways to wear this thing, that I could sport a new look every day of the week. And, in case this wasn’t warm enough as is, there’s also a cozy lining:

Fair Isle Hat

I thought this would be a fitting piece to share, as both a bit of fireworks to end out this year, and also a bit of inspiration for the one around the corner. So, here’s to a craft-filled new year, with motivating projects, exciting challenges, and plenty of good cheer.

Of Snowflakes and a Stubborn Winter

As May approaches it feels like Winter is having a hard time letting go, letting the light from the sun warm up the land. We woke up yesterday morning to another couple of inches of snow on the ground. The daffodils, which had been enjoying some previously warm days, were probably as surprised as us.

Daffodils in Snow

Maybe “surprised” isn’t the right word. I think “disheartened” is more fitting.

I’m not one for finger pointing, but a certain someone has been knitting several snowflake-themed items recently. And I wonder if, like a rain dance, there’s a power in the act of creating snowflakes out of wool.

Handknit Socks - detail

Handknit Socks

This pair of socks is from a pattern by Crissy Gardiner, appropriately called “Snowflake Socks.” Virginia knit these using Smart yarn.

Handknit Socks

She also finished this sweater, “Adelaide” by Kate Gagnon Osborn in Vintage Modern Knits.


It is knit using Rowan’s Kid Classic in an appropriately winter color palette.


To round things off, this second pair of socks was finished a couple of days ago. It’s “Harika” by Stephanie van der Lind, knit using Gems Merino.

Handknit Socks

Handknit Socks

See the theme? Wonder why there is still snow in the forecast? Fortunately, last night she started working on a crochet blanket using the “African Flower” hexagonal pattern, and it seems to be having the right effect. As I write this post, though a bit on the chilly side, the sun is out!