Still Behind

I should just stop making promises about updating this blog with much frequency. I have good intentions, I promise, but I am unable to deliver. So, while time between updates increases, so does the backlog of projects to share (which is a good thing, since it means there will usually be something to share with you when I actually get around to updating). And, as usual, it’s Virginia who is providing the scratchcraftiness. If I were to wait for my finished projects before posting, you’d probably be fine with checking back once every 6 months or so.

Latvian Fingerless Mitts

Fingerless Mittens

These are from Véronik Avery’s book Knitting Classic Style. She knit these using Shetland Spindrift yarn.

Fingerless Mittens

More Socks!

Sock #18 (52 Sock Challenge)

Sock #17 (52 Sock Challenge)

I gave up keeping track of the actual number of socks she has made. I find it a little sad that I’ve become somewhat desensitized to these marvels. Thinking back to when I first started this blog (way back in the days of SPIN | KNIT – all that’s left is this archive…) I would have probably spent two or three posts devoted to a single pair. Now, it seems like I’m throwing whole bunches of them in each post.

I think a balance can be struck somewhere closer to the original aspirations of this blog. A project a post seems out of reach. But, a post with more than three projects seems to be little more than an inventory listing. And, since I’m unable to follow through with my promises, I’ll only reiterate that my intentions are good. Stay posted!

Playing Catch-up

It’s really quite astounding how quickly time sneaks by. There are several crafty updates that I want to share before the next round of goodies (which are finished — just waiting their turn in front of the camera).

I’ve finished spinning the 12 oz. of Corriedale (dyed four colors in 3 oz chunks). You may recall earlier posts (here and here), charting the progress. It really wasn’t that big of a project, it just took me a long time to finish.

Handspun - Corriedale

Handspun - Corriedale

These are also 3 oz. skeins with approximately 300 yards a piece. In total I have about 1,300 yards of 2-ply yarn in four colors that could very well work together, or on their own. No project in mind, yet…

Virginia wrapped up another pair of socks. This time using a stitch pattern from the book “Sensational Knitted Socks” and knitting with three colors of ShiBui yarn.

Sock #16 (52 Sock Challenge)

A few more pair nearly fell off the radar because I have been so slow in updating this blog.

Sock #15 (52 Sock Challenge)

Sock #14 (52 Sock Challenge)

Last, but certainly not least, Virginia celebrated her birthday last week.


Nothing brightens the home like the last flowers of the farmer’s market season.