With 31 days in the hospital you’d think I’d be able to get some scratchcrafty projects started and/or finished. Alas, being under the weather for most of the time, I did not do much. Virginia, on the other hand, had lots of time to knit while she hung out at my bedside. Among the four or five pairs of socks finished, she started and finished this nifty shawl.
The pattern is Baktus, a free pattern by Strikkelise.
It is knit with a combination of Koigu and Cherry Tree Hill fingering yarn.
The socks are viewable by clicking on the Flickr link on the sidebar. I think she worked on some other projects, but I have hard time remembering what all was going on for the two weeks or so that I was feeling the worst. So, there might be some other project posts in the next little while. And, I have to say, it feels good to be able to post something other than life in the hospital, cancer treatments, and such.