Minnesota’s north shore holds a special place in my heart, with the restorative expanse of Lake Superior, the subtle and varied colors of the inland boreal forests, and the lichen covered rocky shores. It’s one of my absolute favorite places to visit, and is always a source of inspiration.
When Kate invited me to contribute to the collection in her new book Milarrochy Heids, I was both deeply honored and very excited. I named my new hat pattern after the beautiful Tettegouche State Park, which lies along a rugged, rocky stretch of Lake Superior, complete with inland forests and waterfalls.

Milarrochy Tweed is amazing to work with, with a color range that allows for so many great combinations. Because I so enjoyed designing Tettegouche, I couldn’t stop at just the hat, and decided to work on a matching pair of mittens.

I look forward to wearing my new designs when I am next hiking in Tettegouche State Park!