Heartfelt gratitude

We have been humbled by the generosity and support shown by our friends, colleagues and family. There have been a lot of things that have been done to help us get through this difficult chapter in our lives — things like coming over and taking over household chores and yardwork, preparing and delivering meals, donating blood, plasma and platelets (obviously, not for me specifically, but in response to a general request), lending me books and movies to while away the days as I wait for my strength to rebuild, visiting me both at home and at the hospital, giving generous gifts and donations, sending cards and well wishes, leaving comments or sending e-mails, the list goes on.

To everyone that has been a part of this, sharing some of the burden/lightening the load, we want to thank you. I still have a few more steps to go, but I’ve been heartened and strengthened by you, realizing that you are a part of the healing and without your participation, this would be so much more difficult.


(Yes, that is another peony. I can’t help myself.)

One Reply to “Heartfelt gratitude”

  1. ((hug)) I wish I was closer to lend more support.

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