“To detect the t(15;17) (q22;q11-21) translocation that is characteristic of acute promyelocytic leukemia, flourescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed. Two probes were used in the analysis; one detects the PML locus in G-band 15q22 and the second detects the RARA locus in G-band 17q21.1. The five hundred analyzable interphase nuclei showed no statistical evidence of a PML/RARA fusion signal pattern.“
That, my friends, is taken from the lab report, summarizing my bone marrow study. In other words, not only am I in remission, I am in molecular remission. I still feel like crap from last week’s chemotherapy, so the real celebration won’t begin until I can actually crack open a cold one (and I may actually wait until they remove my hickman line), but there’s no denying the wonderful feeling of relief accompanied by this news.
This morning, before leaving for the hospital, we noticed that our little monarch chrysalis was about to transform. Unfortunately, we didn’t see the butterfly emerge, but she was there waiting for us when we came home. How fitting, even though quite cliché, that we witness this final stage of metamorphosis upon our return.
This calls for a molecular celebration!
That’s wonderful news…I am truly happy for you Dan. Best wishes to you and Virginia 🙂
Since your Dad sent me your blog address some time ago, I have been faithfully following your journey with great interest. You may not remember your visit to our house here in Winnipeg when you were still a young lad. But Clarence and I have been loyal supporters of your family for many years. Your Grandparents Ron and Amanda were also very special to us. We have two family members in medicine, our son Murray, and their daughter Jocelyn. Murray and his family have been in Quito, Murray several times for medical service in Shell Hospital. God bless you and your wife.
Congratulations! What wonderful news – and a beautiful butterfly.
That’s incredible news! Yay!
Awesome news.
this is excellent news, d. i could not be happier for you and v. i hope you’re back to doing all the normal stuff you want to do very soon.
like cracking that cold one. 😉
Wonderful news, Dan. Well done, well done!!!
Huzzah!!! Here’s to not only being on the road to wellness, but pedaling really really fast down said road.
(I love the sound of “molecular remission”, which probably could only be topped by “atomic remission”. Or maybe “quarkal remission”. Will look into it.)
Yay! That’s wonderful news!
Woooo Hooooo!
you guys continually amaze me…congrats!
What wonderful news! congratulations-
Congratulations. I’m SO glad to hear this. You and V deserve the good news.
Congratulations, I’m very glad to hear that. Also that group of pictures is amazing
Congratulations!! I know how good it feels to get the good news about remission. Whew!
We share your joy in knowing your leukemia is in remission and recognize with gratitude God’s intervention.
YEAH!!!!! Great news! The pictures are terrific.
Dan, we are happy with you and Virginia.
This is beyond wonderful. And I don’t think the Monarch is the least bit cliche. Makes up for not having that cold one! Hope you enjoy it very soon, or maybe a really nice glass of wine with V.
Wonderful news! I am happy for you Dan.
Dan, I am so glad to see you are really on the road to recovery. What a delightful surprise, since I have not checked in for a while.
And, Virginia, I will see you Monday evening.
That’s great! Congratulations, Dan! Hope to see you and V one of these days.