We just got back from a few nights away at our home away from home (not sure if the proprietors would completely agree, but as long as we keep coming back, they probably won’t care what we call it). It’s a cabin just a few yards from the shore of Lake Superior, with a commanding view of the moody waters.
The next couple of days were a perfect combination of crafting, hiking, eating and drinking.
We spent the first full day hiking in the Split Rock State Park, with bright birch and aspen trees framing the various views of the lake and surrounding shorelines.
On Thursday morning I woke up at the crack of dawn (actually, a little before the crack) and found myself facing a serenely calm and beautiful display of light and water.
After breakfast we made our way over to Gooseberry Falls State Park, for another couple of hikes. The sky was bright, the sun full (luckily I remembered to wear a hat) and the trails pretty empty in the morning hours.
Virginia got the prize for most adventurous, hanging out with feet dangling over the Upper Falls.
I stayed a more comfortable distance from the edge.
Back at the cabin, we enjoyed the last of our growler (added bonus: the owner decided to open a brewery earlier this year and had several varieties available – I think he brews in 93 gallon batches, so it’s a small operation, but one we were quite willing to support) while sitting by the fire, all the while wishing we had a few more nights booked.
Still, the trip did the trick. We wore ourselves out during the day, slept well at night, worked on some creative projects, and felt ourselves being restored by the powers of that giant lake.
Wow, Dan that looks(and sounds) like a heck of a great time! It is awesome to have someone you love who enjoys the same special pleasures you do(the perhaps occasional stash squabbles notwithstanding).
What a treat! If you don’t mind my asking, where do you stay?