Inspired by the foraging bunnies in our back yard, a sign that Spring is on its way, I decided to show my support for warmer weather by making some little effigies.
Of course, there’s never just one bunny in the yard. So, true to nature, I started putting together a whole warren.
Although, I have a feeling I did something to anger the weather gods, because I just finished shoveling 8 inches of snow off our sidewalks and driveway this evening. So, looks like we’ll be waiting a little while longer for Spring.
In knitting news, Virginia finished making a pair of socks from the new “Knitting Socks with Handpainted Yarn” book by Interweave. Our friend Barb (owner of Wild Geese Fibres) designed this particular pattern in the book, and this pair was knit with Koigu.
oooh pretty! Love those socks but the bunnies are just precious!
cute bunnies. but I have a request for a fox… the one in my backyard is spending time keeping the bunnies away.
glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better. hope all mends soon.
OH cute bunnies….have you made a llama or alpaca one yet?
I’ve got plans for other animals, but the only ones I’ve made so far can be seen here:
my felted animals on Flickr