Winter is Here

I supposed there’s nothing more appropriate to have happen on the official first day of winter than to snow a good 8 inches. I keep telling myself that this will be the year that I embrace the snow, the cold, the runny nose and aching ears. It doesn’t do any good to hold a grudge against mother nature (which is what I have done in the past once I start to dwell on the amount of months remaining before habitable weather returns).


But, no grudges this year. I will happily shovel ourselves out of the drifts, merrily don my warm, woolen knits, inhale the crisp clean air and… do everything I can to stay inside and in close proximity to the oven!

Loaves of Bread

There’s nothing quite like the smell of baking bread when just beyond the wall the outside world is being blanketed by snow and brought to a stand-still in the sub zero temperatures. I have a feeling there will be a lot baking going on this season. But, the start of winter also means longer days of sunlight are just around the corner. In fact, even tomorrow will be slightly lighter. Now, that is good news.

Happy solstice!

4 Replies to “Winter is Here”

  1. I actually really like winter – I love shoveling snow (even like having the cold and windburned nose), love sitting by the fire (gas fireplace, though), love the long nights, thick snowfalls, and frost on the windows…

    But this year is kind of cold, even for me. I used the snowblower instead of a shovel to clear the drive because I couldn’t be outside for very long. Our state-of-the-art house heating system is struggling, and we had to buy a heater for the baby’s room, even after we sealed the windows with shrink wrap. My eyeglass frames crackle and stiffen after I’ve been outside for 90 seconds. I hope it doesn’t get much colder than this.

  2. I copied down a quotation a few years ago. It basically said that taking an interest in all of the seasons is a happier way to live than continually waiting for spring. Nice sentiment. Now, if only I could make myself believe it 😉
    Happy Winter Solstice!

  3. I admire your attempt to be one with winter. Whenever I’ve tried that, something bad has happened, like the time I got my tongue stuck to my parka zipper.
    I like your new banner up there.
    And the bread looks wonderful, I’d love to dig into a slice of that, with a wee smeer of cinnamon butter.

  4. “glædelig jul” you two! and “tak for sidste!”

    i like winter —and it’s better with lots of snow. my goal this year is to be able to take advantage of more winter activities than years past! and there are always knitting projects to start and finish. and soups to make!

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