The Advantages of Being Confined to a Chair

OK, “confine” is probably too strong of a word to use, but my radius of travel has definitely decreased, as well as the frequency with which that travel occurs. I will still be resting for another week, my employer graciously allowing me to do as much work as possible from the comfort of our home.

Besides working from home, I am so glad that, one, I have a single treadle spinning wheel, and two, my right leg is unaffected. That results of which are shared below:

Handspun - Superwash Merino

These are two, somewhat equal, skeins of superwash merino. The roving was dyed in a 4 oz. bump. I split the roving lengthwise and spun a three-ply (navajo) yarn with 150 yards on one, and 160 yards on the other skein. Virginia, barely waiting for the yarn to dry from setting, has already started a pair of socks with this.

Handspun - Merino/Tencel

Finished yesterday, this fun skein was spun from a 50/50 blend of merino/tencel top. It’s my first time spinning with tencel… not sure what to think. If it’s supposed to be a substitute for silk, I’ll take the silk. Still, fun colors, a gratifying little project, and the 190 yards from a 3 oz. bundle will make a funky scarf.

Lest you begin to worry about the lack of socks being posted, Virginia, filling a special order for someone wanting to show his support for the Vikings (even in post season), knit these using SmartYarn.

Sock #34 (52 Sock Challenge)

I suspect there will be more spinning content in the next several days. For the record, though, I am starting to get a bit behind at work, so this coming week will be a good test of will power and discipline.

2 Replies to “The Advantages of Being Confined to a Chair”

  1. Oh, confined, that stinks! But at least you can get some spinning done, right??

  2. I wish I could be confined to my house for a month. There is so much to be accomplished in terms of spinning and knitting. We will talk about the housework to be accomplished at another time. That is always a given, but to just knit and spin, oh what a joy. Hope you get better.

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