Weeks 19 & 20 in Review

Week in Review - 19

Some good transitions happened over the last two weeks. The happiest being warmer temperatures, allowing for nice long walks after work, as well as, the first bike ride of the season (albeit on rain-soaked trails).

Week in Review - 20

The garden continues to provide our yard with color and variety. Virginia decided to keep track of the number of cut flowers (specifically tulips and daffodils) that we’ve been able to enjoy inside our home: so far, 20 dozen daffodils and 16 dozen tulips (spread out through the last several weeks). Our hard work throughout the various autumns is really starting to yield some spectacular results. More amazing, you can barely tell that many stems have been harvested. The more we play with our yard, the more likely it seems that we’ll be staying in this house for many a year.


But, that’s the best part of building a home.

One Reply to “Weeks 19 & 20 in Review”

  1. Gorgeous! We’ve only been in our home a little over a year and I’m really looking to developing a garden like yours that makes me never want to move. Awesome.

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