I mentioned in my previous post that I was going to reclaim as much of the wood from the old deck as possible. With the help of a planer, some selective cutting and nail removing, I was able to convert this:
into this:
This is our new patio table, built from 30-year old redwood (2×4’s and 2×6’s). I didn’t have to plane off that much of the surface to reveal a wood that still has plenty of longevity left. The stains, small holes and knots only enhance the character of the surface.
I only wish I could knit as fast as I can build. So, still no fiber-related projects of my own to post. Virginia, however, finished another pair of mittens that I will put up in the next day or so.
That is fantastic work. It is a great way to reuse wood. I am beyond impressed. And for what its worth, non-fiber related posts are a great way for us to know what other talents or interest you and V are into. Thanks for sharing!
Holy Crap. Screw the knitting. You made a freakin’ TABLE! IT’s gorgeous!
Amazing work, Dan! that table is beautiful! wonderful way to repurpose and reuse too.
OMG, you guys are so talented, it kills me. Kudos for recycling the redwood!!!
What a fabulous table! I got here via Ravelry and am now bookmarking your blog-so much inspiration. Thank you for sharing.
Wish I could build as fast as I knit! Heck. Let’s just say I wish I could build!