Thank you for the well-wishes, prayers, good thoughts and vibes, and offers both on and off the interwebs. I’m beginning to more strongly believe that regardless of relationship, faith or even proximity the great pooling effect of all that thought and energy can provide a cushion of support upon which to rest. I am touched. I’ve also been encouranged to post updates on the blog (even if there isn’t always scratchcrafty goodness to include). So, I’ll do my best to provide you (and me) with a central spot of information (so I’m not sending out so many different versions of it in as many different e-mails or calls).
I will be spending the next month (the 1st in a series of at least three extended hospital stays) at Regions Hospital in St. Paul. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I was admitted Monday night (March 16), after a bone marrow biopsy (taken the same day) confirmed what the hematologist was suspecting with my blood results. Tuesday, after a sleepless night of vitals, bloodwork and enough plasma and other blood products to get my coagulation factors high enough to have a hickman line put in, they final were able to do that. Treatment for the leukemia actually started Monday night with the main drug ATRA (basically a high dose of Vitamin A). Chemo started on Tuesday and will run for a total of 7 days.
So far the side effects haven’t been too bothersome (although I’m told they don’t really start to hit until a week or so in). Until then, I’m doing my best to choke down the “wonderful” food they serve here and gain as much reserve energy in case I can’t eat much later on.
I’ll post some more later with a description (and photos) of my new home away from home. Knowing that my immune system is completely gone really puts the kibosh on getting out of the room, the hospital does provide some equipment to help wile away they days (including an in-room treadmill, this laptop I’m writing from, and other forms of electronic entertainment). My friends from work sent over a ton of books (thank you!), and I’ve already finished Kevin Kling’s The Dog Says How.
Thanks, again, for the outpouring of support. This is going to be a strange ride, but one which we’ll look back on not just with bewilderment, but also amazement and newfound strength.
Dan and virginia,
i am shocked and saddened by this news. please let me know when you can accept visitors and i will bring you a mississippi market care package. you are both in my thoughts.
We are rooting for you, Dan! Yes, please try to keep up your strength. I am quasi-local to you, as you might remember, so if there is anything I could do for you and V, please don’t hesitate to ask.
Hey Dan,
Hmmm… where to start? Well, first “The Dog Says How” is one of my favorites! Kevin is a very inspirational guy.
You and V have been in my thoughts all week. You should know that I can be on call for yarn/knitting supplies or chocolate indulgence emergencies as they arise. I remember how crappy hospital food can be (but check and see if they have the secret “at your service” menu for vegetarians, etc. it’s way better fare!).
Hang in there, buddy.
Jene Bene
Hi Dan and Ginni
It was great to see you guys yesterday!!!
You are both in our hearts!
Talk to you soon,
Mike and Pam
It certainly sounds as if you have the right attitude to get through this. I know you can. I look forward to your updates. You will both continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Even tho I don’t know you Dan, I still think of you and am rooting for you. Yes I will be waiting for your updates. Take care 🙂
Dan, my brother in law has been dealing with leukemia for the past year and my sister has been blogging about their experience. You may be interested:
Sounds like things are moving along. That’s nice that the hospital provides
“distractions” in your room to keep you from climbing the walls. I’ve been reading a book by Daniel Price – How to Make a Journal of Your Life. Cute book – handwritten with little sketches throughout. Are you one that would enjoy a sketchbook and a pencil to doodle thoughts and sketch what’s around you?? May sound strange but it’s a way to pass the time and record thoughts. Take care!
Uncle Dan!
I love you so much and am thinking about you all the time. I know your strong and can get through anything. Everyone here sends positive thoughts as well. You will hear from me soon! Love you! <3
I’m floored. It’s been a few days since I came by and just now I read the 2 last entries. You don’t know me, but I’ve been a lurker for a while; maybe I commented once. Anyway, I want to send you and Virginia all the positive thoughts and vibes possible. You are both so talented, in so many different ways. I can’t wait to read here that the disease is over.
You take care! Keep your spirits up. I don’t mean to sound glib. I realise it must be extremely difficult to do this. But know that other than your immediate support group, there are people, probably all over the world, who care about you and the outcome of this situation.
I’ll be thinking of you.
Thinking of you and hoping for the very best. As another local, please advise if you need infusions of fiber or non-hospital food – I’d be more than willing to keep you supplied and not just so you’d post more beautiful pictures!
Hi Dan,
Hang in there! I hope the side effects are not too bad. Let me know if there is anything I can bring, snacks, books, computer games??? All the best, Anke.